Embark on a suspense filled adventure through the mysterious streets of Brighton and Hove, following a therapist, her patients, and the mental health challenges they all face. With unexpected surprises, twists and turns at every corner, BROKEN CRAYONS will keep you guessing until the very end!
A wave of horror engulfed me. My shock was genuine, and the words so unexpected that they’d taken my breath away. This wasn’t what I’d expected him to say, nor was it the conversation I’d prepared myself for. This was far, far worse. Someone was dead. Someone who I was supposed to be helping. And I had no idea who.
The city of Brighton and Hove isn't just about seaside, sun and seagulls. It's more than that. It's about the people who call it home. Their highs and their lows. The good times at the bad. It's Jennifer's job to help these people. That's what psychotherapists do. But what happens when the therapist needs help? And what happens to her patients if she doesn't get it?
The student. The bohemian. The outsider. The troublemaker. The intellectual. The conservative. The villain. The colleagues. The families.
The dead.